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VCPG Newsletter

An addendum to the January Newsletter
Ruty Levy

An addendum to the January 2024 Newsletter

New Opportunities

VCPG Pilot Outreach Program - New Opportunities for Team Service as Mentors

Building on our successful experience at Pacific High School in Ventura, a new VCPG

Pilot Outreach Program has been approved by our board. Beginning in mid-January,

VCPG members will be invited to share expertise with local ceramics teachers

throughout the year at pilot middle and high schools (five schools in Ventura plus one

each in Moorpark, Ojai and Thousand Oaks). Each mentorship will be unique and

involve up to 10 hours of support/semester. Support will vary and may include

collaborative lesson planning, technical support, demonstrations, and limited hands-on classroom assistance. PHS is focusing on ceramics as an innovative tool for student wellness.

Join us in this opportunity to help build the next generation of ceramic artists. Jennifer

Robles is serving as the VCPG Pilot Outreach Support Lead.

Watch for team service Mentor Artist posts coming up soon.

Contact Us for more information.

Note the date change on the next Guild Happy Hour

Will be Monday, February12 from 5-7 at Margarita Villa in Ventura Harbor, right across from the Gallery. There is an elevator near their back steps.

We plan to be outdoors on the front patio (up the front steps) unless the weather is bad. If you are new to the group, or have trouble finding us, just ask the hostess.

No need to RSVP - just show up, Margarita Villa allows for separate checks so folks can come and go as needed. It's a great excuse to talk clay with other Guild members. Guests welcome too.

We would love to see you! Rebecca Catterall and Sue Cline

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